Roof Restore Inc.

About Roof Restore Inc.

Environmentally Safe Roof Cleaner

Why Replace When You Can Roof Restore?

You can save up to 80% versus the costs of replacement. Make sure that you maximize the lifetime of your asphalt shingles. Rejuvenate them with Roof Restore. We will treat your roof with a proven earth friendly, USDA approved, rejuvenating formula that will add 5 to 15 years of service to your roof.

The Roof Restore Mission – WORK HARD, DO RIGHT and GIVE BACK

We found a need to improve upon the products and services the competitors were offering. We are the better choice:

Restoration makes sense when you are trying to make the environmentally safe, economic choice.

Chemist and Product Development

Our partner, Greener Technology Labs employs the best and brightest to manufacture products that are made to last. By manufacturing our own products, we know they will work and save you money.

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